Branding / strategy / identity / illustration / webdesign


Renewed identity and website for the accounting program for small entrepreneurs and freelancers.

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Since the foundation of the company, Rompslomp puts focus on providing a user-friendly online accounting program. In 2022, Rompslomp became part of Visme and the team now continues to work enthusiastically on the expansion and further development of Rompslomp. We worked on the refined vision and mission and the renewed corporate identity including a new logo, illustrations and website. Rompslomp’s renewed vision: creating a world in which every self-employed person experiences his accounting as support in his entrepreneurship instead of a burden and uncertainty.

Better entrepreneurship by worry-free accounting

We went back to basics with the entire Rompslomp team in a strategic session. We have completely examined the objectives, mission, vision, core values and target groups. In addition, we also listened to each department’s ambitions for the company based on their specific skills. What do they want to contribute and can they contribute to make Rompslomp even better and what brings perfection and satisfaction to their department? This way, the entire team will stand by Rompslomp’s strategy and we were able to bring the support, IT and marketing & communications departments closer together. Their wishes have been translated into a number of core values that play an important role in Rompslomp’s mission: supporting the entrepreneurship of self-employed people by offering accessible software and super service to ensure that every self-employed person can do their administration independently, efficiently and confidently.

For the IT department it’s all about accessible software. At Rompslomp, not only user-friendliness is key, but also respect for users and their data. In terms of platform, privacy & security they want to achieve 100% compliance with the GDPR continuously, speed is of course of great importance and an ISO certification is a wish that they are working on.

Super service is central to the support department. Their goal is to provide the best possible service experience to users and even to use the super service to contribute to the knowledge of users. For example, the support environment with articles, news and tips & tricks not only helps the user in using their accounting program, but also in their entrepreneurship.


For the visual developments of Rompslomp, we find it important to keep some (visual) recognition in relation to the former identity. Users experience Rompslomp’s identity a lot in their own online accountancy environment and too much innovation can lead to less recognizability and familiarity. Accounting already is a subject that makes many people unsure and not every self-employed person is equally digitally literate. The renewals have therefore been implemented while maintaining recognizability in mind. We have given the logo a good modernization and adjusted the typography of the logo. This font was then used throughout the website and online environment, which ensures better readability and a more modern appearance. The colour palette contains subtle changes to old colours, with a slightly fresher and better appearance. In the field of illustration, we have significantly expanded the corporate identity elements. We have illustrated a number of characters representing different groups of Rompslomp users. In addition, the entire website has been renewed and here you will find many illustrations of functionalities to easily read all the ins and outs of Rompslomp.


Website, platform and social media

There was a major technical challenge for the webdevelopment of the new website: maintaining and further growth in the areas of findability, SEO and lead generation. Online findability is of course key for an online accounting programm that focuses on self-employed people. The entire website was built by AddMark using the Hubspot CMS. In addition to the CMS of the website, this gives them immediate access to all kinds of online marketing tools and all website visits and online campaigns can be fully monitored. This can be optimized down to the last detail by gaining insight into who clicks what button and keeping the customer journey as short as possible.

In the field of social media, we have developed all kinds of templates and delivered elements that the Rompslomp team can use in Canva. With these elements they are able to create their own online messages within the corporate identity, so they can respond to current events and be flexible in posting messages for different media.

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UX/UI Design

Brew Monk™

Interface design for all-in-one brewsystem Brew Monk™.

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